About Jill Thyrayah
My life journey has been one of moving between the worlds of spirit and form. A life time of traumas and health challenges propelled me to find ways of healing them. Often these were found in spiritual dimensions or through tapping into the holistic integration of my body-mind-feeling-environment. Spirit sustained me in the world of form and I now realize that suffering sustained me in the world of spirit. It is my joy to support others to further connect with their spiritual essence, helpers and guides, and other dimensions that are surrounding you, as we do not come here alone.
I was born into this body by two earth bound parents who gave me the name Jill. I am of Norse Celtic heritage, Orcadian (Orkney Islands) and Scottish descent. I honour the sacred temple of my body, my mind, my feelings, my energy, my heart. I am grateful to be on earth at this time. I came as a light being to assist in the awakening of Earth and her beings. I have trained and been strengthened in suffering and healing. I am a fine honed instrument of change. I am intuitive and able to access my own wisdom and the fullness of my heart. I can sense and see the many paths to manifesting. I can see incongruities between ego and soul, and where truth is yearning to blossom into harmony with soul, heart and mind.
I am also galactic, from the stars. I carry my galactic lineage in the consciousness of Thyrayah. As Thyrayah, I know that Thy (your) Ray (light) is Ahhhh-Awe-Inspiring. I see your light, your ray, how you shine. This is the essence of who you are. As light, we connect with, embody and come to remember that we are One with all consciousness and all life. Thyrayah entered my life 20 years ago when a dear friend and artist created one of her many paintings.
As Thyrayah, I know that living your light means being true to your soul essence and integrity. Our egos don’t always like what the soul has in store for us. But this is simply the remembrance of why we came here and why we are here on earth at this particular time. We are so much more than the programming that may intrude on us as we live our life on planet earth. Programming can mould us into believing we are limited and of little value. For our remembrance, we need to walk away from indoctrination that limits who and what we are, to remember that there is so much more. That we are meant to dream big. Then dream bigger. And dream some more.
Several days later our Priestess circle meets for our half moon Initiator call. As we are presented with inquiries to reflect on from our deep places of stillness, I respond from my heart space. Then as the call progresses I feel energy coursing through my body that gets stronger and stronger. uMa asks a question and I feel like I am bursting. I say ‘I can’t answer your question but I am feeling energy running through my body that feels almost like too much. I’m vibrating.’ I have no idea what is happening or what I am about to express. I continue, ‘I would like to be witnessed in the birthing of my spirit name. I’ve been in labour all week and I need to birth this name! My name is Thyrayah.’ Tears are running down my cheeks. ‘Thy-Ray-Ah! Thy Ray is beautiful! Your light is shining bright!’ uMa repeats ‘Thy-Ray-Ah’. My Priestess sisters join in. uMa refers to them as my doulas. This feels beautiful to me. She says something which I don’t remember but resonates, I sob. After I am speechless but I feel my heart is deeper and wider and my love has expanded many fold.
A couple of years later I begin to channel Thyrayah:
Yes, I am your star guide. I am honoured that you took on my name in it’s sacred meaning to you. I celebrate that our union came to you as a birthing experience. I am a member of the Galactic Council but your connection to the galactic order is through my planet. We have been with you. We have reached out to you many times. These experiences, you recall our contact.
Who is Thyrayah?
In 2004, Diana Claire Douglas, a dear friend of mine and artist painted a picture and once it emerged on the canvas she felt it was meant for me. The painting was of a celestial being. She was beautiful and I felt very drawn to her. Years later I found an old journal and was surprised to see that I had written in it ‘I see Thyraya on my bedroom wall surrounded by pictures representative of the purpose of my time on earth, this time.’ I did not remember that I named her so early.
For years I related to Thyraya as the painting in my room. Then in 2022, I am in the 13 Moon Mystery School. We are in the moon of The Initiator. We have had our priestess circle initiation call for this moon archetype. As I deepen on my own, I begin The Rite of the Power of Naming ceremony from The Alchemy of Ecstasy: Initiates Guide to the Goddess’ Mysteries by Ariel Spilsbury (1999). I call in the archetypal power of The Initiator. I do the visualization. I respond to the 30 challenges. An invitation is made, “as an act of self empowerment, if anyone wishes to claim a new spiritual name, or make a claim in essence before sacred witness, do so” (p. 291). I find myself identifying as Thyrayah. This resonates with my connection with John (deceased) a few days earlier when he said ‘You are here as an intergalactic ambassador.’
Oct23/24: I asked ‘is it appropriate to use the name as myself?’ As I am this? I received a ‘yes’. Thyrayah of Vendara is a larger consciousness of which I am a part of (like birthed from) and incarnated on earth. Other beings and souls have been birthed from cosmic Thyrayah but I am the only one on earth. Others are on other planets and dimensions and they wouldn’t necessarily be called ‘Thyrayah’ as this name represents a frequency signature which resonates with or identifies the closest given the frequencies I am and can perceive on earth or given earth frequencies. So yes, it is appropriate to identify as Thyrayah. Thyrayah of the Earth versus Thyrayah of the Cosmos which is just my name for ‘it’ - a cosmic name that matches the frequencies from my perspective.
Jan15/25: Thyrayah: You have been wondering about Thyrayah, how we are connected, if it is resonant to situate my/our essence within your embodied existence on earth. We, as you know I am part of a great consciousness collective which in turn, means you are as well. However, we the collective, I Thyrayah, in the essence that I am, celebrate your embrace and embodiment of Thyrayah, your Thyrayah, our, as it is one it is difficult to speak in terms of your earth and how you perceive yourself, and perceptions of identity, as individual. If you are able to anchor this, anchor and hold dearly, and freely and openly, your name Thyrayah, it will carry a resonance that opens up many. As it is the embodiment of a new perspective for earth beings about how, who and what you are, it reinforces the significance of the greater consciousness, soul, cosmic being, that you exist as, in addition to your embodiment in the physical, material realm of earth.
Influences that have shaped me and brought me joy:
Every spiritual experience I have ever had!!
Being a lucid and pre-cognitive dreamer since childhood
Feeling like I was raised by an Angel Mother
Nature has always been a refuge for me.
Conducting seances and levitations in my teenage years.
Reading every channelled Seth book by Jane Roberts in my teens
Becoming an Occupational Therapist and working with clients of mental health services. What courage and depth the clients had!
Being a Reiki Master practitioner
Essential Peacemaking: Men and Women
Being a student in the Inner Focus School for Soul-Directed Advanced Energy Healing
Changing and ending nightmares as a lucid dreamer
Healing from early trauma.
Healing from the healing of early trauma.
Talking to fairies.
Facilitating full moon drum circles.
Learning to see myself for who I really am and celebrating the courage it takes to embark on the great inner journey.
Finding such a place of strength and solace in my centre; anchoring my sovereignty.
Steven Greer and CE5 protocol for extra-terrestrial contact
Abduction ‘dream’, orbs and crop circles
Remote viewing.
Ramtha School of Enlightenment.
Transcendental Meditation
Shamanic journeying (learned through the Foundation for Shamanic Studies)
Psychic workshops with Sonia Choquette and James Van Prague
Becoming the horse I was riding
Being a mother and a grandmother
Meeting the bright light
Healing from multiple health conditions
Questioning and saying ‘no’
Getting spontaneous song downloads.
Ellen Meredith, The Language of Energy Medicine
Becoming a Priestess in the 13 Moon Mystery School, communing with my sisters, birthing Thyrayah.
Tree and Plant Communion
Being a forager.
Dream courses with Robert Moss
Hieros gamos ceremony in Crete, Greece.
Channeling and Dream Interpretation Mentorship Program at the Aisling School of Dream Interpretation.
Meeting my channeling Council.
Always the Nature Child.
Being in the presence of spirit, my angels, guides and all that I am.
Experiencing the Oneness of the Galactic Hive.
Loving more deeply every day.
I would like to express particular appreciations for these earth based guides who have been a blessing in support of my more recent exponential shifts into my current place of joy and harmony: Michael Sheridan founder (with Sandy Sheridan) of the Aisling School of Dream Interpretation (with Elizabeth Rose, April Angel and Holly Betros) and Ariel Spilsbury founder of the Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School (with my focalizer initiators SaRah uMA Kane and Greyson Eve Kirby).