Dream Interpretation

Our dreams are wonderful creations made by our Higher Self, our ego and our subconscious - I call them our ‘dream team’. These three aspects of ourselves get together and selectively weave people, objects and events from our life experience to create a symbolic message for us. Our dream team is like a best friend who cares deeply about us and will be lovingly and brutally honest, because they only want the best for us.

How it works:

Please send me your dreams at least two days before our session. You can type in the Message section on the Contact page. You can also enter your dream in the Form provided when you book your dream interpretation session.

For the best experience, include all the detail you can like the date, colours, objects, people, how they looked, what they are doing, feelings, what was said, position (e.g. standing/sitting, to the right/left), location. Add notes to describe people, objects and events that occur in your real life

Depending on the length of the dreams one or two can be interpreted per session. Even very short dreams have lots to say and often they will build on each other. Let me know how you felt in the dream when you woke up, what feels significant, describe the people in your dream who you know in real life and what your relationship is with them. What is happening in your life that feels relevant or related to the dream? All details, images or pieces of dreams, no matter how small, are valuable. You will receive a recording of the session that you can download.

Exchange for this offering:

$133CAD for 45 minutes.

$88CAD for 30 minutes.

Click your preferred session length to schedule.

About Dreams

Dreams can give us guidance and healings, and show us how we really are while providing suggestions on how to change for our higher good and soul purpose. They will show us what we need to look at that we may be resisting. They can make suggestions on how we can shift into a positive future for ourselves. They also send us helpers, healers and guides and show us what our spiritual gifts are.

Dreams show us how our masculine and feminine energy may be out of balance, as we all have both within us, and through balancing, can heal us. Our dreams can include themes about relationships, trauma, our spiritual gifts, tensions and challenges, career, birth imprint impacts and potential health problems and diet issues, and what to do about it. While dream symbols have specific meanings, sometimes they can vary depending on the particular situation or meaning that the dreamer assigns to them.

If you don’t remember your dreams there are ways to. improve dream recall. You can tell yourself before you go to bed that you want to remember your dreams. You can write it on a piece of paper and put it under your pillow. You can leave a phone or recorder at your bedside so as soon as you wake up you can record the dream. You may also have a journal beside your bed and dedicate time to writing down your dreams as soon as you wake up. Thank your dreams. If you don’t remember all your dreams it’s okay because your helpers are going to continue to show you themes to look at until they are resolved.

When recording your dreams, include the date, a title if you can and try to write it in present tense. For example, “I am riding my bike to the store” versus “I rode my bike to the store.” Write it as if you are back in the dream. Try to recall as much detail as possible. How did you feel? Did you know the people in your dream? If so, what are they like in real life? Try to record it just as you dreamt it and withhold any tendency to alter how the dream happened because you think it would make it a better dream. This will enable a more meaningful interpretation. Every detail helps - even just three words can tell you a lot.

Dream interpretation is more art than science. It involves an understanding of the use of dream symbols in the context of the dream, channeling for clarity and asking questions of the dreamer to receive their full meaning. There may be times when a dreamer doesn’t agree with the dream interpretation, for example if the dream has shown an aspect of themselves that the dreamer isn’t familiar with and/or doesn’t like. While this can be hard, dreams also often show spiritual gifts that the dreamer has that can be further developed and strengthened with the resolution of challenges identified in the dream. It takes courage and dedication to listen to our dreams and act on them.

It is not unusual to ‘spoil’ a dream. An example could be when something scary is happening and you run away or try to wake yourself up. Your dream wants you to face your fears. If this happens you can to get into a quiet meditative or mindful state and go back into the dream in your mind’s eye (or imagination) and when you get to the point when you were running, turn around and face what is chasing you. Actual healing can occur.