
All is well. The network web of light beings radiates in strength, solidarity and love. The magnetic forces, the cohesion of light are magnifying on earth, magnifying. It is most beneficial at this time to hold this new reality, this truth in your heart consciousness, in your dreams of possibility in the realm of the new visions of what is to come. Hold those visions. Continue to create, create, create. Move beyond. Let go. Release. Burn behind you old ways of limitation that keep possibility in a box. Possibility, the realm of possibilities has expanded way beyond earth, way beyond all hearts, and now everyone take this expanded possibility and create. You are all creators. Create the new. Respect magic, all the magic you have ever dreamt of, all the magic you have ever, ever held in your heart as a child. Allow this magic to expand, create and know that it is real and just as words are spells to keep you limited sometimes, words are spells to expand and create. Everything is possible now. Everything! Nothing is as it was. Nothing will be. The new earth, the new consciousness, the new light and love on earth is boundless. It is boundless. Create new words to describe it because you will need them. You will need these new words. And forever and always, be joyful. Follow your heart. Be your joy. Wherever it takes you is where you need to go. And where you will create the new light, the new earth. Joy is your compass. Joy will take you there. You need know nothing else.  (Oct 10/24)

You have also asked what is the greatest work that you on earth can do now to support and shift through this state of violence, and horror on many levels. It is equally important to go within as it is to speak without with awareness, with truth. It may feel like a bypass. It is not in any way a bypass. It requires great fortitude and courage for the inward journey. It is not self-centred when it is a sincere endeavour to truly drop in to who you are. It is not a process of enacting techniques, of doing rote actions, practices that you do not anchor into with a resonance. You do not require any practices at all if you anchor in, if you become the stillness, the centre point of your being. You have everything you need within you if you listen, if you will move into quiet stillness, your great temple and being, consciousness will show you. It is also worthy to follow practices as offered by others provided the courageous step of moving into your heart and deepening in your senses and your feelings [is taken]. Many many, so many beings on earth are doing this now. It is a revelation of gratitude. It is a revelation of fortitude, of hope on earth. So in the sense that masculine energy is often an outer representation and your feminine energy is an inner representation, the balance of these are sacred tools to shift; reaching out, speaking out, taking actions, taking right action with sincerity and awareness, inward doing, inward reflection and bringing this inward space, this heartfelt essence, bringing it forward into the world and the actions taken. This is when many may notice a great resonance, a flow, a synchronicity [in their life]. These are the energies that enable us to fully assist and we are grateful for them. (Jan 16/25)


Mary Magdalene


Galactic Council