Galactic Council
Much is being shaken loose now, vibrations and frequencies are permeating places that have been very dense and blocked for some time. All of the energies, blocks, being released create a static in the field, in the hearts, in the connection, in the web of life on earth, less so in the cosmos. We witness this shattering occurring on earth. And as this occurs, blocks within each individual sovereign being’s temple, body, are being shaken loose and as they are shaken loose they may grasp on for one last time to set their perspective on reality from their density, calling out one last time. And as this occurs, you may be drawn into old patterns, lower vibrations, vibrations related to security, protection, ‘what is mine’, ‘what is yours’, as you call it.
Feeling in control or the need to be in control, and this is understandable as structures shatter. Structures that were built on your control, on low vibrations, on anger, and fears and insecurities. As they shake loose you may read the energies as they are leaving, that may feel that you are being pulled back in. Trust you are not being pulled back in. This is the knowing that they are being released. And you may notice that the release is quick. The rumination is less intense or long or possibly even non-existent. They are captured early. This is as it is in the releasing of blocks. You will return to the higher frequency state of homeostasis that you have achieved in the great work you have been doing. Trust you are not losing, you are not losing ground. These may appear as tests and challenges for you, but know they are only tests and challenges to the extent that you allow them to be. They also may not resonate at all. There may be no resonance in the lower vibrations because you no longer exist there. They leave as fragments, time capsules that have been buried in your body. And on the way out and through you may be reminded ‘oh yes, that was a density I struggled with at one time.’ Let it go. Let it go, all flow. Flash, let them flash by you and out, and trust you will return to your homeostasis and high vibration. In fact as this occurs your vibration is continuing to rise. Your frequency is continuing to rise. You may notice after each of these experiences that other densities just do not exist for you anymore in any form of attachment. They may simply become invisible, disappear, like they never existed. This is the experience of a rising frequency consciousness. You may find you are more in your heart, more in the light, more in the flow. More in the experience of being a wave in the ocean, carrying through, knowing that you are the ocean and there is nowhere else to go. You are in the flow of the whole cosmic conscious web of oneness. There is no need to steer, to paddle, to push against, to alter directions. Rejoice in this beautiful shift. (Jan11/25)