On our planet love is authenticity. Love is truthfulness, honesty. As we are able to telepathically communicate and in this awareness it is clear when another being is in a place of disturbance. We are aware of how this energy of disturbance may manifest as their thoughts, as they project, as we receive them telepathically. We do not take them personally. We do not fan the flames of blame and guilt and self pity. We know that as these kindred spirits of ours are processing in this way and we hold them dearly. For they simultaneously will receive our telepathic communications and thoughts, that we hold complete non-judgment and acceptance of their field, their energy, their consciousness, as they process through a challenge or a turbulence. This is love on our planet. There is no need to point, to highlight, to bring, to put a spotlight, to use your words, on someone in this place of clearing. For we always honour those who will stand in their place of clearing, their place of honour, their place of fully loving and accepting where they are, knowing they are also loved and accepted. Knowing that this is the great work. Knowing that this is what we all must do to raise the vibration, and frequencies of all. And as we are enjoined, our galaxy with yours, this is a great act of love for it brings this resonance to planet earth in turn through the moon, the sun and the other stars and planets, emanating their frequencies. They are like radio waves. They are light and sound frequencies and we emanate to you. Our galaxy emanates to you. Your star system in turn emanates back the Light and the love. (Sep9/24)