Be the bright light
that you are!
Dream Interpretation
Journey to alternate dimensions
through channeled messaging with Thyrayah
It is my joy to support you in manifesting your brilliance in the fullness of your soul essence and the gifts that you are here to share.
About Thyrayah
Welcome. I am Jill Thyrayah -
dream weaver and inter-dimensional emissary. I am the blended consciousness of Jill, Thyrayah, Tree, Rock, Great Mother, Angels, Mary Magdalene, God/dess and the Galactic Council. We are One. The more we connect, the more I become. How may we serve your joy, opening, awakening, healing, shining, and manifesting?
There are many gateways and portals to our spirit connections. You probably already use them. Some of them you may not be fully aware of. What brings you utter joy and flow? Where has magic occurred in your life?
Our dreams are gifts to us from our Higher Self, ego and subconscious self. They guide, heal and show us our true self. As a dream weaver it is my joy to assist you in unravelling the gems of guidance, healing and reflections that are offered to you in the creation of your dreams. Dreams are one of our best tools for breaking our programming. Our dreams will ‘tell it like it is’ with the fullness of unconditional love. They also show us our spiritual gifts and how we’re meant to use them, and how to lovingly unlock the ways we may hide our inter-dimensional abilities and connections.
As a clear conscious intentional channel I have the great honour of communing with my Angels, Mary Magdalene, God, Thyrayah and the Galactic Council. Together they are referred to as ‘the Council’. We are honoured to be at your service as you have come with many gifts to share in the upliftment of earth and all her beings. We deeply desire for you to express your gifts to the world. At this time, Earth and the cosmos need all of our gifts. As inter-dimensional emissaries it is our joy to acquaint you with your multi-dimensional essence.
Interdimensional Messages
“All beings are connected [to guidance] - even those who wish to disconnect, are guided. We are always ready to reach out and respond to those who do not have a sense of connection, those who do not wish one. We are with you as well. We are always standing by you. The moment you shift to open, to ask, to wonder if there is more. To wonder in your greater connection. One wondering. One opening. One glimmer. We will be there because we are there. We patiently wait. And assist as we are able in your unfolding in the way that you have chosen as a free will being on earth.” - Angels (Dec 15/24)